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  • What is the Features of the ABRI?

    The Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI) is a leading national research agency in Taiwan under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior. Equipped with advanced laboratory facilities and retaining high-quality research personnel, the ABRI aims for promoting innovation and progress in architecture through nationwide research projects, policies and programs, to enhance the level of building technology and the quality of the overall infrastructure.

  • What is the Responsibilities of the ABRI ?

    The major responsibilities of the ABRI are to conduct fundamental and experimental research, to establish building policies and regulations, to promote construction technical excellence, to develop innovative building materials, as well as to disseminate research results and implementation plans broadly for the whole building industry.It includes: 1.Laws and Regulations Research and development related to national policy and codes in building aspect, and the review of international building administration and management systems. 2.Technology Research and Development Research and development related to building disaster prevention, project quality and safety, structure engineering, construction technology, building environmental control and energy conservation technology, building equipment and material technology. 3.State-of-the-Art Materials Research and development related to new construction methods and materials, particularly for energy conservative, high strength, and health oriented materials, to streamline material productions and to increase the construction quality.

  • What is the Objectives of the ABRI ?

    The objectives of the ABRI is to create a safe, comfortable, healthy, convenient, and sustainable building environment through a visionary leadership and perspective.It includes below items: 1.Development of Intelligent Dwelling Spaces. 2.Vitalization of the Building Industrial Economy. 3.Promotion of Green Building and Environmental Control Technology. 4.Planning for Safe Housing and Disaster Prevention. 5.Establishment of Fire Safety Regulation. 6.Development of Innovative Engineering Technology. 7.Establishment of Holistic Life Care Building Spaces. 8.Preservation of Historical and Cultural Buildings. 9.Establishment of Building Performance Certification Labels. 10.Improvement of Experiment and Testing Capability.

  • What is the Main Projects of the ABRI ?

    1.Science and Technology Plans 1.1Intelligent Dwelling Space Industry Development Plan 1.2Building Industry Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) Application Plan 1.3Green Building and Sustainable Environment Technology Plan 1.4Building Fire Prevention Technology Plan 1.5Building Industry Technology Development Plan 1.6Urban and Building Disaster Prevention Technology Development Plan 1.7Holistic Life Care Building Technology Plan 1.8Historical Building Preservation, Renovation and Restoration Plan 2.Green Building Promotion Program 2.1Green Building and Green Building Material Evaluation and Labeling systems 2.2Green Remodeling and Green HVAC projects 2.3Indoor Environmental Quality Assessment and Recycling Building Materials Research and Development Promotion 2.4Green Building Training, Education, Promotion, Design Competition, and International Exchange and Cooperation 2.5Green Building Regulation and the Development of the Ecological Community and Sustainable City

  • What is the Future Perspectives of of the ABRI ?

    The future development of the ABRI covers four directions: building research and development, building information exchange, building technology promotion, and building material certification. According to the developmental perspectives, the ABRI will continuously consolidate building administration, regulation stipulation, and technology promotion in order to enhance the level of innovative building technology and the competitiveness of building industry. Furthermore, the ABRI will also keep an active connection and exchange with the international community about the latest architectural research and promotion in improving the quality and performance of living environment, and ultimately provide the public a more beautiful, comfortable and sustainable building environment.